Help Center
Hello! Please select your cmsmasters theme below.
Masterpiece WordPress Themes
Choose Theme Documentation
- Aesthetica
- Animal Rescue
- Archdeco
- Bella Beauty
- Buzz Club
- Christian
- Clinicity
- Contempo
- Cyberbank
- Daily Bulletin
- Dentalist
- Dentissimo
- Eco Nature
- Editoria
- Eye Care
- Fashionable
- Femina Health
- Give
- Glossier
- Harmony Care
- Healing Vibes
- Healthify
- Healthy Smiles
- Inclinic
- Interiocity
- La Diva
- Law Business
- Legal Business
- Los Ninos
- Medi Cure
- Mental Care
- Multibank
- Pet Rescue
- Physiozen
- Play Time
- Prana Yoga
- Rehab Clinic
- Renew Medical
- Save the Children
- Stereo Bank
- Style Craft
- Sustainable Jenn
- Swift Loan
- Temple of God
- The Practitioner
- The Reporter
- The Workout
- Trendy Baby
- Yourway
WordPress Themes
What's Included in Support?
If you have a question about using the theme or a part of it’s native functionality, our support agents will offer you a direct advice or point out a guide or an article on the question.
Isn’t it great to always have someone helpful ready to assist?
Theme documentation is always available online, the link to the theme docs can be found on the item page on themeforest, please see the ONLINE DOCS button under the theme description.
What is Not Included in Support?
There are thousands of different WordPress plugins available and it is impossible for the theme authors to ensure absolutely proper functioning with all the variety of existing plugins. Sometimes plugins work fine just out of the box, but some third party plugins might not be compatible with the theme, and we can only state full compatibility, when a plugin has been tested with our theme and we’re ready to provide you with assistance when problem (concerning it) occurs.
We strongly recommend not to change the theme files as it may cause problems with the theme functioning and we don’t bear responsibility for the customization you provide, in fact customization and code changing are beyond our support policy. Besides we provide support and answer technical questions just in case they concern unmodified theme code.
Author support is not available for themes downloaded on Envato Elements. To get the support, we recommend you take a look at your theme on Envato Market, you will receive 6 months of support when you purchase the theme there.
Common Questions
- Log into your Envato Market account.
- Hover the mouse over your username at the top of the screen.
- Click ‘Downloads’ from the drop-down menu.`
- Click ‘License certificate & purchase code’ (available as PDF or text file).
The error occurs when you try to install the whole archive downloaded from Themeforest and it isn’t the proper way of the theme installation.
There’s a simple “” folder within the main archive that should be uploaded.
You are always welcome to contact the support team and they will be happy to help you with the theme installation and setup.
Theme purchase code is allowed to be used on one single production installation and optionally – one development installation.
Before deleting the test site or reinstalling the theme there is a need to deactivate the license in the License tab so that it can be reused.
Please contact theme support if you need assistance with license deactivation.
Slider Revolution plugin comes bundled with the theme and you can use it for free without activation.
We are the owners of an extended license and have no rights to provide the Slider Revolution purchase code for users but of course we provide you with all necessary updates.
When the new slider update is released, we check its compatibility with the theme and upload the new slider version, so that you can easily update it via the dashboard.
Just click on the ‘Update required’ notice and update the plugin to the latest version.
In order to extend or renew an item’s support offering, you must have less than 6 months of the existing support period remaining and also the author must still be offering support on their item.
To renew the support component on an item, please follow these steps:
– Log in to your Themeforest account
– Hover over your username and click ‘Downloads’ from the drop-down menu.
– The downloads section displays a list of all the items purchased using your account.
– Click on ‘Renew support now!’ or ‘Extend now’ next to the item you wish to renew the item support for and that’s it!
Questions concerning refunds are not processed through the support system.
Please look through the following article about the refunds policy and if you consider your case to be the one when a refund should be provided please file a request using the form.